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宗维洁 环球体育(中国)股份有限公司官网中国武术学院副教授、硕士生导师、全国吴式太极拳连续六届冠军、第五届世界传统拳锦标赛太极拳冠军、吴式太极拳第五代传人、武术七段。



二十多年来,每年应全日本太极拳大会的邀请,赴日进行太极拳的讲学交流活动。应我国文化部的邀请赴马耳他进行太极拳的讲学交流活动。在此期间受中国健身气功中心的委派赴法国、德国 、 比利时、爱沙尼亚、芬兰等国进行健身气功的讲学交流活动。

出版书籍: 环球体育(中国)股份有限公司官网出版了《吴式四十五式太极拳》、《杨式太极拳》、《三十二式太极拳》、《形意拳》、《八卦掌》、《一段太极拳》、《二段太极拳》。光盘:《传统吴式八十三式太极拳》、《吴式四十五式太极拳》、《24式太极拳》、《十六式太极拳》、《十六式太极剑》、《三十二式太极拳》、《传统杨式八十一式太极拳》《杨式四十式太极拳》等光盘。

ZONG WeijieAssociate professor, master tutor, national Wu-style Taijiquan champion for six consecutive times, Tai Chi champion of the Fifth World Traditional Wushu Championships, fifth generation successor of Wu-style Taijiquan, Wushu 7th Duan.

Since childhood, she learned Xingyiquan from Master Luo Dacheng; then followed Master Li Bingci, the fourth-generation successor of Wu-style Taijiquan, one of the famous Wu-style taijiquan masters and one of the Chinese martial arts masters; Learn Bagua palm from Master Liu Jingru, a master of Bagua palm; learn Xingyiquan and Bagua palm from Master Wang Shixiang. From 1988 to 1993, she won the National Women's Wu Style Tai Chi Championship for six consecutive years.

In 1989, she was admitted to the Beijing Institute of Physical Education (currently Beijing Sport University) and learned various types of Tai Chi with teachers Zhang Wenguang, Men Huifeng, and Kan Guixiang. After graduating in 1993, she has been teaching in Beijing Institute of Physical Education until now.

For more than 20 years, at the invitation of the All-Japan Taijiquan Conference, she has gone to Japan for lectures and exchanges of Taijiquan every year. At the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of China, she went to Malta to give lectures and exchange activities in Tai Chi. During this period, she was appointed by the China Health Qigong Center to conduct Health Qigong lectures and exchanges in France, Germany, Belgium, Estonia, Finland and other countries.

She published "Wu-style 45-style Taijiquan", "Yang-style Taijiquan", "32-style Taijiquan", "Xingyiquan", "Bagua palm", "One-stage Taijiquan" ", "Two Duan Tai Chi". CD: "Traditional Wu Style 83 Style Tai Chi", "Wu Style 45 Style Tai Chi", "24 Style Tai Chi", "16 Style Tai Chi", "16 Style Tai Chi Sword", "Three Twelve-style Taijiquan, “Traditional Yang-style 81-style Taijiquan”, “Yang-style 40-style Taijiquan” and other CD-ROMs.